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Guiding Principles


OCEAN commits to engaging with citizens, tribal, federal and state governance, businesses, industry, academic partners and other organizations to support coastal renewable energy that is developed in a manner consistent with Oregon’s values and respectful of our ecosystems and other ocean users.


We are committed to maximizing the local socioeconomic benefits that the renewable energy sector brings, in the form of long-term, sustainable, family wage jobs for Oregon’s coastal communities.


We are joined together by our common interest in the health of our marine and coastal environments and are resolved to protect them for future generations.


We endeavor to maximize the value of our Rural Renewable Energy Development and Foreign Trade Zones to boost economic diversity of coastal communities through investment in local infrastructure and sustainable industries.


We are committed to multiplying the benefits of renewable and other clean advanced energy technology for community resilience and grid reliability in the face of natural disasters, and to advocating for local voice and influence in our energy infrastructure planning and design processes.


We recognize that large amounts of clean, renewable electricity from offshore wind can provide a stabilizing regional energy benefit and are cognizant of concerns about electricity rates. We will work to ensure that Oregonians continue to benefit from low-cost power while enjoying enhanced grid security.


We are committed to fostering a holistic understanding of the potential environmental and climactic effects of OSW.


We are an inclusive organization that seeks the input and expertise from a wide variety of people and organizations on a local, regional, national, and global scale. We support early project shaping through meaningful engagement with those directly affected by clean energy projects.


We are committed to providing equitable access to the benefits of renewable energy through inclusion of all races, nationalities, abilities, genders, sexualities, income level and other communities previously pushed to the margins by institutions and systems.


We will implement our mission with transparency and integrity.

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